Become a Supporter Today and receive a FREE copy of the African American Population Data Download AND an exclusive preview of our upcoming project!! started as a labor of love but quickly became an important resource of Black data. There is so much more we can do but we need your help.
Help us serve the community by subscribing as a supporter.
As a supporter you will help fund our expanded focus to significantly increase the amount of data we research, illustrate, and customize to better provide for the needs of all organizations, activists, media outlets, and governments, whose interest is to discuss ideas, serve, and benefit the African American community.
As a result Black Demographics will be an even bigger vehicle for community leaders to accomplish their goals. All transactions including credit/debit cards are handled securely by PayPal.
Subscribe as a member now and also receive the first few chapters of our upcoming project:
4,000 Years of African American History
Our new project is a journey through an untold history of African Americans
2000 BC (B.C.E) in West Africa to 2000 AD (C.E) in America.
If you would rather pre-order the entire book
Click Here
Subscribe below at only $1.99 a month and get your FREE copy of the latest data download AND an exclusive preview of the book upon release (est. Feb 2023).
Your support will help us to:
- Update main categories with latest data
- Create Additional categories
- Creation of our own demographic database
- Update the web design
- Enhance data available for individual cities and states
- Hire or outsource staff to expand research and development capabilities
If you would rather give a one time donation click below:
All transactions including credit/debit cards are handled securely by PayPal.

Note: Although we do important work in NOT a 501c3 and donations are NOT tax deductible.